Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

img_5466While on the trail, groups will experience the 1.2 million acre treasure of pristine wilderness that is overflowing with over 1,200 lakes, rivers, and streams. In this beautiful classroom, groups will engage with nature, grow in faith, and share with one another. In addition to paddling and exploring the beauty each day, the groups participate in quite times, intentional conversations about faith, and life stories, an opportunity to hear the stories of each person’s life. The Classic Boundary Waters Experience is essential to creating rich community while strengthening faith.

This week long trip begins on a Saturday and ends the following Friday. Groups begin their experience with an evening at our base camp on Mine Lake, near Ely, Minnesota. Here the groups meet their BWX Trail Guide and prepare for their journey. The following morning they are launched on the trail. After six days of adventure, groups exit the wilderness mid-day on Friday, with a brief stop at the base camp to unpack and say good-bye, before heading home.

Group Size

Maximum of eight participants. For larger groups, we suggest that you book multiple trips. If you have a larger group that you would like to stay together, please consider our Superior Hiking Trail Trips, which can accommodate up to twelve people together.

Dates & Fees

The Boundary Waters Experience is particularly proud of our low price. We have worked hard to make this unique experience economical. We provide all of the equipment, planning, food, permits, a Christian wilderness guide, and facilitation of thoughtful Spiritual content. We do this for one third of the price of other guided trips.

Dates & Fee Schedule

Christian Content

The BWX offers a wide range of discussion content for your week on trail. Each group gets to choose which type of Christian Content they would like to engage in on this adventure. In addition to the ones listed, our Trail Guides enjoy creating new material based off your hopes and wishes for the week.

Route & Level of Difficulty

The BWX offers a wide range of beautiful route options ranging in difficulty from easy to very challenging. Each group gets to choose which of our twelve Trip Routes they would like to experience for this adventure. We are here to consult with you about elements of each route (physicality, scenery, portages, fishing, etc) to help you select an experience that is appropriate for your unique group.

Equipment & Clothing

The Boundary Waters Experience provides all necessary canoeing and camping equipment (canoes, tents, sleeping bags, packs, stoves, paddles, life jackets, etc). Campers need to provide their own personal clothing. Download our detailed Clothing List.


You will travel in We◊no◊nah Kevlar canoes that weigh 53lbs. Canoes will carry two paddlers as well as packs and in some situations a “Duffer” (third person who rides in the middle of the canoe). Depending on trip difficulty, groups will travel between two hours (easy trips) and eight hours (very challenging trips) a day. This travel will include both paddling and portaging. Portages are measured in rods. A rod is 16.5 feet (roughly the length of a canoe). Portages range in distance from as short as five rods to as long as 340 rods. While portaging, campers will carry the canoes, packs, and paddles on the trail between bodies of water.


Normal summer temperatures for BWCAW range between overnight lows in the 50’s to daytime highs in the mid 70’s. We have to remember that it’s the wilderness, so you should expect the unexpected. In any week we could experience, sun, rain, wind, heat, and cold. The BWX Clothing List helps us to be prepared for the range of conditions that we may experience.

Lodging & Restrooms

You will sleep in a state of the art, three person, Mountain Hardware tent. The BWX provides participants high-end synthetic mummy sleeping bag that keeps people warm to temperatures as low as 20 degrees. The US Forest Service provides restroom facilities that consist of a toilet stool over a biff. They are located at least 150 feet from campsites to ensure privacy.

Sample Itinerary

Note: This itinerary is a description of elements of our experiences. Due to the unpredictable nature of the wilderness, please view this a tentative schedule – it is an adventure!


  • 3:30pm – Meet BWX Guide at Kawishiwi Forest Service Station
  • Base Camp tour
  • Check out and learn about community gear
  • Practice lifting canoes and portaging
  • Learn paddle strokes & practice paddling in the Mine Lake
  • Clothes packing
  • Talk about expectations for the trip


  • Bright & early trip launch
  • Safety Speeches at the landing
  • Travel – long distance day
  • Teachable elements from the wilderness
  • Share Life Stories over meals
  • Conversation about trail content
  • Enjoy friends and the wilderness (swim, fish, hike, forage, rest)


  • Morning Quiet Time
  • Travel – long distance day
  • Teachable elements from the wilderness
  • Share Life Stories over meals
  • Facilitate conversation about trail content
  • Enjoy friends and the wilderness


  • Morning Quiet Time
  • Day off from travel
  • Teachable elements from the wilderness
  • Share Life Stories over meals
  • Conversation about trail content
  • Enjoy friends and the wilderness


  • Morning Quiet Time
  • Travel – long distance day
  • Teachable elements from the wilderness
  • Share Life Stories over meals
  • Conversation about trail content
  • Enjoy friends and the wilderness


  • Morning Quiet Time
  • Day off from travel
  • Conversation about trail content
  • Enjoy friends and the wilderness
  • Affirmation session


  • Solo (extended introspection & prayer time)
  • Wrap up discussion about the trip and solo
  • Travel – short distance to landing
  • Return to BWX Base Camp
  • Pack & say farewells…
  • Depart before 3:00pm