Bald Eagle Loop (Challenging)

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This route is one of the most popular routes in the BWCAW. Its popularity is easily understood, by discovering its beautiful scenery and abundant wildlife – particularly Moose!  It is an interesting route because it is varied with large lakes, small lakes, the Kawishiwi River, and meandering creeks. The loop is 32 miles long, and consists of thirteen lakes, one river, two creeks, one pond, and twenty-four portages. The route earns its “moderate to challenging” rating because of a stretch of portages that are long and unmaintained.

From Lake One, we will head north to the Kawishiwi River, then follow it southwest toward the portage into Little Gabbro Lake. Next we will experience two large lakes (Gabbro Lake and Bald Eagle Lake). From Bald Eagle Lake, we will begin a very challenging system of ungroomed portages, which connect a chain of remote and private lakes (Gull Creek, Gull Lake, Pietro Lake, Camdre Lake, Clearwater Lake, No Name Pond, and Rock Island Lake). These lakes experienced a forest fire in the summer of 2006 and are beginning the regrowth process. After this difficult portion of the trips is complete, we will enter into the scenic and more populated “numbered” chain of lakes at Lake Two. Finally, we will paddle back through Lake One to the landing.