Fire-Bridge (Easy to Moderate)

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This is a nice route for those who want to see gorgeous areas of the BWCAW; however, want to limit the physicality to a few challenging portages. The route is made up of a loop that showcases larger island speckled lakes, river travel, and a chain of smaller and more intimate lakes.

This journey begins at Lake One and you progress through the entire chain of “number lakes”. After doing a few short portages around the beautiful rapids of the Kawishiwi River, we will arrive at Hudson Lake. From Hudson Lake you head north into meandering waters of Fire Lake, then portage into Bridge Lake. Next is the small and private Rifle Lake, which has a wonderful lone campsite. From Rifle Lake, we will face the only challenging portage of the journey, into Lake Two and enjoy some of the BWX’s favorite campsites, before exiting the wilderness at Lake One.