Insula Route (Moderate)

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This adventure is a great route to view diverse waterways, animals, and geological sites that the BWCAW has to offer. The route is long in terms of miles; however, due to the small number of portages, it is not as physically tiring. This is a good option for groups that want to see much of the wilderness, but may be hesitant about portaging gear for long distances.

This thirty-eight-mile journey begins at Lake One and ventures through all of the popular “number lakes” (Lake One, Two, Three, and Four) and gets you onto the Kawishiwi River through a chain of short portages around scenic rapids, which lead into Hudson Lake. From Hudson Lake you will take the longest portage of the week (100 rods or 1/3 mile) into the south end of Insula Lake. Insula Lake is a big lake that looks like ink splots on a map, because of its many bays, islands, and arms. Insula Lake is a great destination for fishing swimming, and engaging with all that nature has to offer. After the stay on Insula Lake, the trip concludes by backtracking sixteen miles to the numbered lakes and the landing at Lake One.