This route offers a variety of large lakes, small lakes, and creeks. It is a great option for groups that include members with differing desires for physical challenges.
The route begins at the Lake One landing and moves quickly through the popular number lakes (Lake One, Two, and Three) into the more isolated Horseshoe Loop. It then follows a chain of smaller lakes consisting of Horseshoe, Brewis, Harbor, and North Wilder. The Pow Wow Trail crosses the portage from Harbor Lake to North Wilder, and offers a beautiful hike to South Wilder Lake. The loop turns North in a narrow, winding creek which empties into the Kawishiwi River. It follows the river west over a series of rapids and into Lake Four and Bridge Lake. The 157 rod portage from Bridge Lake into Rifle Lake is the most challenging of the trip. From Rifle Lake, the route goes back into Lake Two and Lake One, where groups can enjoy some of the Boundary Waters’ best campsites for the last night of their trip.